Chesil Dental Practice
01962 862893
St. James Dental Practice
01962 865560
45 minute appointment
Extensive assessment of teeth and gums
Advice on dental care
X-Rays included
Advice on looking after your teeth at home

New patients are welcome to register with the practice. At your first appointment new patients will be required to complete the following forms:

Personal Details and Medical History Form: giving details of any medical conditions and current medication

We suggest you turn up early for your initial appointment allowing 15 minutes to complete these forms.

At your initial appointment we will discuss medical conditions and life style choices relevant to oral health.

We will then carry out a full examination of the mouth, taking radiographs where deemed appropriate. On completion of the examination we will discuss relevant treatment options and in most cases if possible provide a written plan detailing treatment and associated costs.

St. James Dental Practice £ Winchester 01962 865560 St. James Dental Practice

I had my first visit this week to this practice. The staff were very welcoming and I was escorted to see the dentist, Artur and the hygienist, Donna. Both took time over my visit and explained the procedures.

St. James Dental Practice

7 St. James Terrace Winchester, Hants SO22 4PP

How to Find us
Chesil Dental Practice

15-17 Bridge St, Winchester Hants SO23 0HL

How to Find us

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Please contact us via this website or email without disclosing confidential information.

*Please note, if an enquiry comes through late in the day, contact may not be made until the following day.